Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Journal 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Journal 8 - Essay Examplemetaphor, irony, and oxymoron, that the political is in addition poetic, wherein the poetic confirms the death-denying ideologies of people through the oxymoron of a silent poet.What He Thought uses enjambment to depict that political actions are poetic, in the sense that they reflect the inward emotions, which are present in Flight from Death death anxiousness and the quest to safeguard death-denying ideologies. The studies in the film, which aim to prove the influence of death anxiety on human attitudes and behaviors, establish that, when reminded of their death, people tend to support more those who are similar to them. One of the enjambments in What He Thought helps American poets fall in to Italian poets Among Italian writers we/could recognize our counterparts the academic,/the apologist, the arrogant, the amorous,/the brazen and the glib (McHugh 11-14). The American poets are not comfortable with differences because they will fear the Italians as potential reminders of death, so they attempt to find similarities surrounded by them as much as possible. Furthermore, identifying similarities should go beyond having the same interest in literature, but also in politics, because politics is an big way of affirming life. McHughs inclusion of the German suggests historical differences between American and German politics where it must have been abandoned by/the German visitor (was there a bus of them?) (27-28). The enjambment suggests a tone of superiority against the Germans, as if a bus of them is an affront to a bus of Americans. These enjambments emphasize the need of poets to be related to fellow poets, or else they will feel conscious of linguistic, political, and cultural differences, differences that remind them of their deaths.Aside from enjambment, McHugh uses metaphors and irony to illustrate the clashes that arise from the interaction between different death-denying beliefs. The metaphor of God as something that is

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